Distributor Caps
Crab-Style Distributor Cap (AD3001) This cap fits all Aces brand 8 cylinder distributors, including the Black Jack Pro Series Distributors and Gambler Series Cam Sync Distributors and offers reduced height for low clearance applications.
Short Distributor Cap (8 cylinder) (AD3003)
Male/HEl-Style, Black, Screw-Down, Pro-Billet, Small Diameter, 8 cylinder.
Fits the following Aces Distributors: AD2012/AD2013/AD2015/AD2021/AD2022.
Tall Distributor Cap (8 cylinder) (AD3005)
Male/HEl-Style, Black, Clamp-Down, GM, Billet, Pro-Billet, 8 cylinder.
Fits the following Aces Distributors: AD2011/AD2016/AD2017/AD2020/AD2023.
Tall Distributor Cap (6 cylinder) (AD3006)
Male/HEl, Black, Clamp On, GM, 6 cylinder.
Fits the following Aces Distributors: AD2019/AD2027.
Toyota 22R/22RE Distributor Cap (6 cylinder) (AD3007)
Fits the following Aces Distributors: AD2029.
Distributor Cap (clamp-down style/Ford) (AD3009)
Male/HEl-Style, Black, Clamp-Down, Ford. 8 cylinder.
Fits the following Aces Distributors: AD2024/AD2025.