Aces EFI is an Engineering and R&D-driven company focused on continuously adding new features and improving existing ones across our systems. However, not every update we release is a recommendation for all users to apply to their systems. The majority of updates are designed for specific features or systems, and they may not be relevant to your setup. Even updates labeled as improvements or optimizations to parameters and calibrations are often minor and may not have a noticeable impact on most applications.
That said, certain systems or applications can benefit from specific updates. We encourage you to use discretion and reach out to our team for guidance on whether an update would benefit your system.
Important Notes:
- Firmware Updates and Calibration
When you update your Handheld device to the latest firmware, it will include updated calibration files for your system. When you update your handheld, you will also need to upgrade your ECU calibration. Note that this will reset your ECU and it will need to re-learn unless you have saved your tune file first and plan to load it back in after the update is applied. - Backup Recommendations
Before upgrading your Handheld firmware, we strongly recommend backing up your tune using our USB Data Cable (AH2500) and Laptop Tuning Software in order to save your current tune and settings to your laptop.
For any questions or assistance in determining if an update is suitable for your system, feel free to contact our support team.
Latest Software Updates
5" Handheld (2nd Gen)
Version 2.24
(Updated 03-17-2025)
5" HD Handheld (3nd Gen)
Version 1.17
(Updated 03-17-2025)
Advanced Tuning Software
Version 2.44 - Build 141902
(Updated 01-22-2025)
7" Handheld (2nd Gen)
Version 2.44
(Updated 03-17-2025)
Change Log
Click on the corresponding date in the chart to see the change log details and access all versions of the software and firmware.
Please note that PC Software downloads will take about 20-30 seconds to load and download once you click them.
5" Handheld (2rd gen)
- Adjusted response range of some buttons
- Added EGT monitoring
- Added MPH for High Roller
7" Handheld (2nd gen)
- Fixed small data issue.
- Adjusted response range of some buttons
- Added EGT monitoring
- Added MPH for High Roller
5" HD Handheld (3rd gen)
- Added EGT Monitoring
PC Software
Compatibility fixes with Windows 11 OS
Handheld Firmware
Fixed issues caused by new and old calibration data incompatibility in certain products (Killshot, Deuces Wild, & Wild Card)
PC Tuning Software (Version 2.43 - Build 141901)
Monitor -> STRIP CHART
- Fully upgraded to support real-time monitoring.
- Added right-click shortcut options for manipulating current monitoring data.
Monitor -> GAUGE
- Fully upgraded with new components including LED, Bar Gauge, and Radial Gauge.
- Users can customize range, alarm values, and other parameters via right-click shortcuts.
Tuning -> Write to the ECU
- Fixed an error related to writing data to the ECU.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved errors occurring when switching between systems.
Track Optimization
- Optimized the Track feature to ensure real-time monitoring remains unaffected during use.
5" Handheld (version 2.21)
7" Pro Dash (version 2.40)
Jackpot Pro: Option to select either VSS or Tach signal Output
- Add a prompt to remind users whether to perform wizard settings or not upon the first successful connection after the update is completed.
- Switch between A/F and Lambda units
5" Handheld (version 2.20)
7" Pro Dash (version 2.39)
Deuces Wild and Wildcard: Optimized the anti-interference algorithm for ignition.
QuickDraw: Improved the accuracy of the VSS to 0.1 mph.
5" Handheld (version 2.19)
7" Pro Dash (version 2.38)
PC Tuning Software (Version 2.41 Build 141809)
PC Software Updates
New Features
Heat Map Feature
- Disabled by default; users can toggle it on/off via a checkbox on any 2D tuning table.
- Changes apply globally to all 2D tables when toggled.
Smoothing Function
- Smooth values in 2D tables where differences are too abrupt.
- Options: "Smooth Selected" or "Smooth All" cells.
- Access via right-click menu or its hotkey.
Custom Groups for Quick Selection
- Create two custom groups for quick access to tables or values: Navigate to Settings > Custom Calibration Options. Select table(s)/value(s) for Custom Group 1, then set up Custom Group 2. Save settings; appears above the System Settings icon on the left toolbar.
- Groups are retained across sessions.
New Hotkey Combinations and Features
- Improved navigation and usability.
Position Markers
- Added markers for menu items and selected cells in 2D tables.
Logging Status Indicator
- Visual indicator of logging status.
Trace Function in Jackpot 2D Tables
- Enables real-time editing of tables while tracing the position in the fuel map.
Customizable Floating Monitor Window
- Always stays on top when active.
- Allows renaming of groups for better organization.
Optimized Calibration Group Switching
- Software remembers the last-used calibration item for each group.
Responsive 2D Table Cells
- Automatically resizes cells based on software window dimensions.
Improved Software Response Speed
- Enhanced overall performance.
Optimized Data Refresh Rate
- Notable improvements in the Killshot system.
Editable Killshot 2D Tables with Trace Function On
- Real-time editing without disabling tracing.
MAP Sensor Scaling for Applications
- Scales based on sensor selection:
- N/A: Scales to 100 KPA.
- Boosted: Scales to full MAP sensor range.
Fixed Issues
Offset Percentage Functionality
- Resolved issues with the "Offset Selected Percentage" in 1D tables via right-click.
Software Usability in Specific Regions
- Fixed software usability issues in countries like Norway.
File Name Compatibility
- Resolved errors loading tuning files with decimal points in their names.
ECU Compatibility Issues
- Fixed connection failures and calibration export errors with older ECU versions.
Killshot 2D Table Error
- Resolved errors reconnecting to the ECU after disconnection in Track Mode.
Verbiage Edits
- Updated language for better clarity.
Default Settings
- Changes to improve the user experience.
5" Handheld (version 2.18)
7" Pro Dash (version 2.37)
- Improved the accuracy of the VSS to .1 miles per hour
- Added a warning prompt before you update your ECU.
PC Tuning Software (Version 2.40 - Build 141807)
- Added new and improved data logging feature
5" Handheld (version 2.16)
7" Pro Dash (version 2.35)
- Added support for the Jackpot TBI.
- Added support for the Killshot Classic.
- Added support for additional aftermarket electronic throttle bodies and pedals.
- Optimized the control of the 4L60 transmission for smoother gear shifts.
Quick Draw TCM
- Optimized the control of the 4L60 transmission for smoother gear shifts.
PC Software (V2.34 build 141806)
Resolved Issues:
- Fixed an issue where the Y-axis displayed incorrectly in the 2D self-learning table.
- Fixed an issue where switching to Imperial units did not accurately convert calibration values from Metric units.
- Calibration files from the Handheld device can now be opened and are fully compatible with the PC Tuning Software.
- Self-learning table now displays learned values as percentages.
- Jackpot System Enhancements:
- Fixed an issue where changing the "Rated Injector Pressure" from Metric to Imperial sometimes resulted in the value being set to 0.
- Fixed an issue where using the "Undo" function (Ctrl + Z) could corrupt values in the 2D table.
- Fixed an issue where deleting monitored values disrupted the formatting of other values.
- Integers entered into the "ECT AFR Offset" setting are now correctly converted to percentages. Only whole numbers can be entered.
- Grammar fixes throughout the system.
PC Software (V2.31 build 141805)
Resolved Issues:
- Fixed an issue where adjusting the VE table caused the table values to reverse themselves after being downloaded to the ECU, while the axis values remained unaffected.
- Fixed the missing trace function issue. (Note: The ECU must be connected to see this feature.)
Additional Notes:
- The trace function currently only works for the Killshot system. Support for additional systems will be added in future updates.
5" Handheld (Version 2.13)
7" Pro Dash (Version 2.30)
Update Recommendation: Not necessary unless you are experiencing issues with using the High Roller Rev Limiter settings.
All EFI Systems:
- Added ability to deactivate deceleration fuel cutoff (useful for certain racing applications)
High Roller™
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Rev Limiter settings from saving
- Old UI/5” Handhelds will accept High Roller firmware updates now
All Handhelds and Dashes:
- Grammar mistakes and verbiage changes
PC Tuning Software:
- The calibration data export and import functions were added to the current calibration interface.
- The mouse right-click function was added to X Point and 1D type data editing, which can automatically fill in the data now.
- "Help" has been added to the calibration interface. Currently, it does not cover all calibration items and will be gradually completed in the future.
- A waiting animation was added when entering the system to read the configuration file.
- When a CAM Type is selected, the 2D calibration list will highlight the currently selected VE table.
- When a MAP type is selected, the values and ranges of the MAP X-axis Point, AFR MAP, Learn MAP x, Idle MAP X-axis Point, and Fuel Correction MAP calibration items can be scaled proportionally according to the selected MAP type, and a pop-up prompt will also appear. The user can choose to automatically scale or not to scale.
- Editing of IAT From R, ECT From R and ATF From R was disabled.
- A new data checking function has been added for X-axis Point type calibration items. The data must be arranged from small to large before the settings can be modified successfully.
- The calibration data upload method when connecting to the controller for the first time has been changed. Previously, it would automatically upload the data upon connecting to the ECU, but now it will prompt the user as to whether or not the calibration data in the controller needs to be uploaded and then the user can choose whether or not to do so
- A new prompt for downloading data was added which will remind the user how many calibration items have not been modified, preventing users from directly downloading wrong data to the controller without modifying the calibration items.
- Coordinate axis display positions were changed on the 2D table.
- Fixed the problem where after switching systems, the calibration interface would sometimes display errors when entering the interface.
- Fixed a bug where the MAP calculator would sometimes report an error after inputting values.
- Fixed a bug where the Deuces Wild would not connect to the software.
- Fix a unit conversion error problem.
- Fixed some grammatical errors and verbiage
- Updated some products' configuration files
Version 2.10 (5" Handheld)
Version 2.29 (7" Pro Dash)
Update Recommendation: Not necessary unless you are experiencing issues with trans control features.
Jackpot™, Killshot™, Deuces Wild™, Wild Card™, The Joker™, Royal Flush™, & Full House™ EFI:
- Supports Fuel Table Offset Function
Quick Draw™ TCM & Jackpot™ Pro LS:
- Optimized the speed data of shift points to make speed more accurate in trans control
- Modified some error messages
- Added an icon to show uploading/download progress for calibration files.